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Louisa May Alcott Elementary

4213 228th Ave NE
Redmond, WA 98053
 (425) 936-2490


Our goal is to support the Alcott Green Team as they work toward the next level of Green Schools certification at Alcott Elementary, while also increasing sustainability and environmental awareness at school and in the greater Alcott community.


Sustainability Lead:  sustainability@alcottptsa.org 


Please join our community group in the Eastside Climate Challenge!


Local Unaffiliated Events

  • The City of Redmond is hosting free sustainable living classes. Classes at the Redmond library will be in-person while the rest are virtual. Classes are free, but registration is required. Find more details here.


  • The Snohomish Cooperative Extension is offering a series of low-cost online classes called the Growing Groceries Education Series, intended to help anyone grow their own food. More details can be found here.


  • Green Redmond Partnership restores forested areas in our local parks with the help of volunteers. Signups to participate in events are here.


These events are hosted by other companies or organizations and the Alcott PTSA is not affiliated with them or responsible for their content in any way. 




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Sustainability Links

LWPTSA Sustainability

LWSD Sustainability

King Conversation District

King County's Green Schools