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Louisa May Alcott Elementary

4213 228th Ave NE
Redmond, WA 98053
 (425) 936-2490

Advocacy - Emergency Preparedness


Emergency Preparedness (Emprep) Lead:  emprep@alcottptsa.org 



Be Prepared!


In Washington, preparing for an earthquake ensures that you are ready other environmental hazards and emergencies - like snow, pandemic, or power outages. For more information about hazards in our region visit  www.kingcounty.gov/hazards



Resource lists


Specific and concise information on preparedness:  www.kingcounty.gov/prepare


Making It Through website includes links to PDF checklists for: 

At the bottom of the webpage are more helpful links including a vehicle checklist, an important document checklist, and an additional page about preparing for special considerations, such as access and functional needs.


Prepare in a Year Guide: The state emergency management office developed a great resource for gradually building toward preparedness step-by-step over the course of the year. This link: https://mil.wa.gov/personal contains the digital files, including translations to 5 languages.


Two disaster skills training video series were produced by King County Emergency Management and are a nice way to get specific topical info, or to review the basics: Disaster Skills Training, and Disaster Ready Danny