Upcoming Events
- Wednesday, February 19
- Thursday, February 20
- Friday, February 21
- Saturday, February 22
Louisa May Alcott Elementary
why did you join the ptsa?
"I feel that it's a real value to my kids, especially this year where schooling is remote. I really want to instill in them that it's important to be a part of your community and school is a great way to do that. I want to model for them that I think that education is important, that being an active participant in their community is important, and the PTSA is a great way for them to see that. I value their education, I value public education, and I value participation in education."
Amy Bodie
President 2020-2021
Click here to see the full video of Amy explaining why she chooses to be involved with the PTSA.
"I joined the PTSA because I was new to this country and to the school system, and I wanted to know more about it....and I wanted to have more connection with the community."
Yingju Ren
Co-Treasurer 2020-2021
Click here to see the full video of Yingju explaining why she initially joined the PTSA.
"I have been part of the school community for the last 6 years and I am super impressed to see how much Alcott PTSA contributes to the well-being of my children at school. Being personally part of the PTSA Committee in the past has introduced me to a set of amazing parents who spend countless hours and energy on community building events, enrichment programs and activities, and all the myriad little things that make our children’s education and experience better at school. I join and support the Alcott PTSA to show my immense appreciation for all their hard work and because I strongly believe that their contributions help enrich my child’s life."
Nidhi Doshi
PTSA Member