Upcoming Events
- Wednesday, February 19
- Thursday, February 20
- Friday, February 21
- Saturday, February 22
Louisa May Alcott Elementary
Orca Annual Fundraiser - GOAL $60,000
1/24/2025 8:22 am
Join us for our annual Alcott fundraising week! This week we are celebrating Orca World Cup week! Help us reach our goal of $60,000. Funds from Alcott PTSA go directly back to our Orca Community as well as our greater community around us. Events, programs, funds for teachers/staff, enrichment and more cannot happen without your donations!
School Wide Goal: $60,000
Monday is Communication and Connection Day. Students will be able to say hello or kind words in a variety of languages on cards and connect with all students in our school.
Tuesday is sustainability day. Students will receive a flyer with instructions on sustainability projects to work on at home.
Wednesday is Enrichment Day. Alcott PTSA offers many enrichment programs throughout the year. Annually we host a spelling bee for all students. For Enrichment Day, we will be opening up the spelling bee study word list to all of our PTSA members. Not yet a member, visit alcottptsa.org to become a member.
Thursday is Health & Safety Day. Students will be provided some templates and information about creating an emergency plan at home. Spend a few minutes as a family creating your plan or reviewing a current plan if you already have one. We want all of our Orcas safe in the event of an emergency.
Friday is Orca World Cup Day. Students should wear colors, jerseys, hats that show off their country or favorite country for the world cup.
How to donate:
1. Donate using your students name and grade to ensure they get the credit for your donation. Share this page and the link to your student's page with friends or family.
2. Make sure to check your employer matching program. Submit a match and then send the email confirmation or receipt to communications@alcottptsa.org. This will allow us to tag it to your student's total. Employer matching is counted towards individual student totals but will not be included in the class total. This ensures that all students have an equal opportunity to support the class goal.
3. If you have multiple students at Alcott, you should see an option to donate for each student above. If not, please update your student's information here.
4. If you don't have an account on our website and prefer to donate to the classroom, use button above.
5. Prefer to send cash or check or you collected cash or checks from family and friends? We provided envelopes for each student. (Example is below).
Place the check or cash inside. Write on the outside of the envelope how much you placed inside and send it with your student to school to turn it in to the classroom teacher or office. We count every day and will send envelopes back to the student.