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Louisa May Alcott Elementary

4213 228th Ave NE
Redmond, WA 98053
 (425) 936-2490
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Advocacy Team & Resources

1/17/2023 7:44 pm

Alcott Elementary PTSA Advocacy Team 2023-24


Contact us with questions, ideas or if you'd like to join the team!


Director of Advocacy Roopesh Manda advocacy@alcottptsa.org 
Pantry Pack Leads Sunayana Shivashankar & Gayani Ranasingha  
Special Education Lead Jessica Bryan specialed@alcottptsa.org 
Emergency Preparedness Lead  Karen Scroggins


Sustainability Lead Aspen Richter sustainability@alcottptsa.org
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Lead Ashwini Madhavan dei@alcottptsa.org
LWSF Ambassador Jessica Refuse