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Louisa May Alcott Elementary

4213 228th Ave NE
Redmond, WA 98053
 (425) 936-2490

Alcott Elementary PTSA presents Culture & Diversity Night 2023 on March 30th! Sign-up to volunteer, host a booth, perform or showcase your culture in another way.  Due date to sign up for the performance, fashion show or booth is Monday, March 20th


International Culture Night (ICN) is an Alcott favorite.

We invite all student and families to share with our community what makes us diverse and unique. 





Ways to Participate: 

  • Submit an entry. Share a dance, poem, art, craft, etc. Any other form. Be creative!
  • Submit a recipe. We will put all together in a downloadable document for everyone to enjoy.
  • Join us for a fun night of games (March 25th at 6pm)
  • Watch submissions on our website, starting March 25th.

How to submit entries:

  • Submit a Flipgrid video (max. 3 minutes)
  • Submit a photo (through Flipgrid)

How to register your entry:

  • Registration is closed

How to submit a recipe:

  • Share a family recipe. No need to register.
  • Email recipe, ideally with a picture of the dish or during preparation, to fundraising@alcottptsa.org
  • We will compile all submissions and make them available online for download.

Dates: TBD


Questions? Contact icn@alcottptsa.org